On the restricted size Ramsey number for P3 versus dense connected graphs
Let F, G and H be simple graphs. A graph F is said a (G,H)-arrowing graph if in any red-blue coloring of edges of F we can find a red G or a blue H. The size Ramsey number of G and H, ŕ(G,H), is the minimum size of F. If the order of F equals to the Ramsey number of G and H, r(G,H), then the minimum size of F is called the restricted size Ramsey number of G and H, r*(G,H). The Ramsey number of G and H, r(G,H), is the minimum order of F. In this paper, we study the restricted size number involving a P3. The value of r*(P3,Kn) has been given by Faudree and Sheehan. Here, we examine r*(P3,H) where H is dense connected graph.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5614/ejgta.2020.8.2.14
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