The matrix Jacobson graph of finite commutative rings

Siti Humaira, Pudji Astuti, Intan Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Ahmad Erfanian


The notion of the matrix Jacobson graph was introduced in 2019. Let R be a commutative ring and J(R) be the Jacobson radical of ring R. The matrix Jacobson graph of ring R size mβ€…Γ—β€…n, denoted π”(R)mβ€…Γ—β€…n, is defined as a graph where the vertex set is Rmβ€…Γ—β€…nβ€…βˆ–β€…J(R)mβ€…Γ—β€…n such that two distinct vertices A, B are adjacent if and only if 1β€…βˆ’β€…det(AtB) is not a unit in ring R. Here we obtain some graph theoretical properties of π”(R)mβ€…Γ—β€…n including its connectivity, planarity and perfectness.


finite commutative rings; matrix Jacobson graph; connectivity; planarity; perfectness

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